Monday, February 25, 2008

Silly season

Political silly season, as Obama put it in the latest debate, is in full swing. Today the Drudge Report published a photo of Obama in African garb and attributed it to the Clinton camp, a move that the Obama people immediately denounced. The photo doesn’t look too crazy—hey, he’s wearing a T-shirt under the wrap.

More substantively, Polprint can recommend this Texas Monthly interview with Mark McKinnon, an old Bush hand who is now a top McCain advisor. He talks about how a campaign that appeared to be kaput was able to turn things around (the secret weapon: Huckabee toppling Romney in Iowa). Clearly the interview was a month or two ago, since McKinnon thinks that Hillary Clinton will be the Democratic nominee. But he reaffirms his intriguing vow to withdraw from the McCain campaign if Obama wins the Democratic nomination. He apparently likes Obama too much to craft attack ads against him.


Beecham said...

The Obama campaign is sure to milk this as much as they can; they've already jumped on the story with much (feigned) outrage. Is there any evidence that the Clinton campaign was passing it around? the story does after all come from Drudge . . .

Kate said...

You're quite right, though the Clinton people have not denied it.